Welcome, and thank you for joining us today. We are both honored and delighted to stand before you as the founders of Mère et Moi , a revolutionary baby carrier brand dedicated to enhancing the bond between parent and child.
From the moment we experienced the joy of becoming a parent, we realized the profound importance of the early connections formed between a mother, father, or caregiver and their baby. It was during this transformative period that the idea for Mère et Moi was born.

At Mère et Moi , we believe that keeping your baby close is more than just a convenience; it is a fundamental aspect of nurturing a loving and secure relationship. Our mission is to provide parents with innovative baby carrier solutions that not only prioritize safety and comfort but also promote the precious moments of connection and intimacy that are so vital in a child's early development.

As a brand, we leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of excellence. We take pride in our commitment to using the finest materials, meticulous craftsmanship, and continuous research and development. Each baby carrier in our collection undergoes rigorous quality control measures to ensure that we deliver only the best to our customers. But it's not just about our products; it's about the real-life stories that unfold as parents embark on their own journeys of bonding and growth. We cherish those stories – the unbreakable bonds forged, the adventures shared, and the pure love experienced.

In addition to our unwavering dedication to providing exceptional baby carriers, we also recognize the significance of corporate social responsibility. We actively seek ways to give back to our communities, support families in need, and make a positive impact on the world around us.

In closing, let me express my utmost gratitude to every member of our team who shares our vision and pours heart and soul into making Mère et Moi what it is today. To our customers, thank you for your trust and for allowing us to be a part of your family's journey.

Join us as we continue to innovate, nurture, and create a world where every child feels cherished, every parent feels supported, and the joy of connection is celebrated.

Thank you.
Founder : Cesilia Octaviana, S.E., MBA
Co-Founder: Shynta Budiman, S.E.


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